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The day I met Jason Brooks

Updated: Jun 30, 2018

Fashion Illustrator, Jason Brooks has always been a huge inspiration of mine, as I've always had a love for fashion and for illustrating. The artwork he creates is so beautiful, in style, subject and in the different viewpoints he illustrates from.

As a child I was always drawing 'girls' as my sister and I would call it. Creating all sorts of interesting outfits, generally big flouncy skirts in the style of Cinderella's ballgown!

So, I never imagined I would get the chance to meet him but now I can say I have! In October 2017, at the Fashion & Textile Museum in London, I went to see him talk about his gorgeous new book, titled 'New York Sketchbook'.

He was such a lovely man, really interesting, friendly and giving with his advice for all the illustrators/artists in the audience. They say never meet your idols because they'll disappoint you, but thankfully that wasn't the case with Jason Brooks.

Artwork by Victoria Ellis | Photograph of Jason Brooks and Victoria Ellis | Jason Brooks new book

I wanted to create a piece of artwork to give to Jason, almost as a way to commemorate the occasion (for him) and for saying thank you for all the fantastic artwork he creates that brings joy to me and all the millions of his fans.

I know he favours black and white with a pop of colour (usually red) but I went with yellow because it echoes his 'New York Sketchbook'. The portrait was done using a fine liner pen on paper. I scanned the line art and took it in to Photoshop to add the colour/drop shadow and add the text and border. Then I popped it in to a white frame. I wonder where he's displayed it?

Photograph of Jason Brooks print on my wall
The Jason Brooks print on my wall - I love it!

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